Will I receive a physical product?

No, The Family Binder is a printable and editable PDF download. After confirmation of payment from Shopify, you will automatically receive your download and can access The Family Binder document immediately.

Is this product refundable?

We offer a 30-day, no questions asked refund policy for the digital version of The Family Binder.

All we ask is to take the time to open the Binder and review everything that is included. We believe as soon as you see how comprehensive The Family Binder is, you’re going to understand the value. You’re going to see important things you never thought to write down. How well organized all the information is to make it easy to navigate for your family members. And that will be worth far more than the price.

If you have reviewed the document and it isn't a good fit for you, please email us at info@thefamilybinder.com to start a refund

Do I have a limit in the times I can download this product?

Once purchased, The Family Binder is yours for life (for personal use). You will receive it as a PDF, and you are free to save it anywhere you like (computer desktop, memory card, flash drive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.).

What is the best way to print The Family Binder?

Simply print the completed PDF, punch holes, and put them in a 3-ring binder (0.5 inch or 1 inch works well).

Do I need to be financially savvy to complete The Family Binder?

The Family Binder is structured very simply, so you can start from the beginning and fill out your information as you go through the document. There is no prior financial knowledge needed. Just start going through information that you use in your life, one page at a time. If you do not have a full understanding of your financial situation or your household’s management, now would be a good time to address that information and gather those documents.

I am a young professional, why do I need The Family Binder?

Life can change quickly. If you have young children, you have probably named a guardian in case something happens to you or your spouse. But will the people you leave behind know where to find the information they need about your financial situation and the resources available for your children? The Family Binder is a place to begin recording that information, and it can be updated throughout your life as your situation changes.

Where should I save The Family Binder once it's complete?

We recommend sharing the PDF document with your spouse and Successor Trustee(s) in a secure manner.  Because the document will contain sensitive information like social security numbers and financial account numbers, we recommend saving to a secure website like Google Drive or Dropbox. You may also consider saving the file to a flash drive or printing and storing in a home safe or other secure location. 

I already have a Will and Trust in place, do I still need The Family Binder?

The Family Binder will provide your executor (or your estate’s Trustee) with detailed information about your finances and your household, making their job much easier when it comes time for them to step in.